I am taking a break today from my "Smells of the Season" blog posts to share a special, fun, lighthearted Black Friday post. How many of you crazy people are going Black Friday shopping? Well guess what... I would be one of them!! Haha!! It is a family tradition to go every year. My mom and I go every single year. We map out exactly where we want to be and at what time. I am a bit disappointed the stores keep moving up their opening time. It really was the most fun when they opened early morning for a TRUE Black Friday event. But oh well, we still go.
I know many of you are thinking right now, "You are just plain crazy!" I know, I know people on Black Friday can be quite "special." And sometimes you just can't help yourself... you've got to stop and take a picture or better yet a video to send you your sleeping husband so he can see just how "special" people are when they "can't live without that toy or TV." It can be somewhat amusing :)
Well this year I am going with my essential oil survival bag in tote. Why not oil up and maybe even share the "oil love" with some of those "special" people. So what does a girl bring to keep her sanity on Black Friday? Well here is what I am bringing...
First up is a can of Ningxia Zyng. If you have not tried this stuff, you must! It is awesome!! Getting up super early or not going to bed at all can leave a girl drained and dragging. So I will be bringing a can (or 2) of Ningxia Zyng for energy support, as well as my essential oil En-R-Gee. The essential oil En-R-Gee says is all. You can't shop unless have a little pep in your step. I am sure I will be using that bottle A LOT while shopping for 10 hours straight. I snapped a roller fitment on the top and I am ready to go.
Next up is one of my FAVORITE oils... Stress Away. EVERYONE needs Stress Away at ALL times in their life. Most people I ask about Black Friday shopping say it's too stressful to deal with all the people and long lines. It can be somewhat stressful and just plain annoying sometimes but hey it's fun. This year I will oil up real good with my bottle Stress Away.
Peace & Calming is also a must. The lines are the most frustrating part for me. (The "special" people just make me laugh.) So I plan to whip out my Peace & Calming as needed while in waiting in those long line. I might even make a "Chill Out Spray" and just casually mist around myself in hopes that will calm some of those "special" people I get stuck in line with ;)
We all know shopping for hours on end and dealing with lots of people can give a girl (or anyone for that matter) occasional head discomfort and even an occasional stomachache, right? Well my Peppermint essential oil will be readily on hand to help support my body for that.
And lastly, I will have my Panaway essential oil. If you are a nurse and stand on your feet for LONG shifts, you can relate to needing this oil. Shopping will be no different. My feet will be begging for this oil before I get home.
Well there you have it... My 2015 BLACK FRIDAY Essential Oil Survival Bag. I hope you found this post fun and helpful.
Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!! If you will be shopping on Black Friday, be safe and don't forget to oil up. We just love to oil, oiling is our favorite :)
How to Get Started with Essential Oils
How to Get Started with Essential Oils
- Sign up for my FREE 21-day essential oil email class to learn the basics.
- Join my Oily Rockstars Facebook Group to connect with others and share tips and recipes for DIY beauty, cleaning and much more.
- Find out how to buy essential oils at wholesale, 24% off retail prices (and get freebies from me!)
Many Blessings,
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