Easter Egg Bath Bombs

Happy Good Friday!! It's Easter time... the MOST glorious time of year!! Our Lord and Savior is ALIVE!! Nothing is better than that, right?!!

With Easter comes LOTS of fun with Easter eggs. How many of you have a million of those plastic eggs right now? If you have been to an Easter Egg Hunt, I know you do. Or if you are like me, I bought a bunch to have our own egg hunts at home. Those little eggs have kept my toddler busy for hours each day.

My next question is... what do you do with all those plastic eggs after Easter? Many of you may pitch them in the garbage or maybe you save them for next year. Well, I have a better idea!! Let's make Easter Egg Bath Bombs!! I am all about recycling or using one thing to make another.

These Easter Egg Bath Bombs are AMAZING!! Infused with essential oils, they leave you feeling wonderful! You kiddos and yourself will love taking a bath with one. And you might just find you will have the best night's rest ever.


  • 1/2 cup baking soda- we buy in bulk here
  • 1/4 cup citric acid- find here
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch- we buy in bulk here
  • 1/4 epsom salt- we buy in bulk here
  • 2 tsp castor oil- find here
  • 1 Tbsp water
  • essential oils- Lavender, Peace & Calming, Gentle Baby or Stress Away would all be wonderful! Find out how to get 100% pure therapeutic essential oils at wholesale here
  • Plastic Easter Eggs

  • Combine all your dry ingredients in a large bowl. Whisk together, breaking up any lumps.
  • Combine your castor oil, water and essential oil of choice in a small bowl.
  • Slowly (and I repeat slowly) add your wet ingredients to the dry ingredients a little at a time while continuously whisking. Oh and did I say slowly :) You want to keep it from fizzing. If you have never worked with citric acid. It activates when it gets wet and starts to fizz. 
  • Continue adding your wet ingredients while whisking until you get a thick even consistency. It will look crumbly.

  • Next dip each side of the egg into the mixture (overfilling each side) and squish them together.

  • Place eggs in the fridge for about 30 minutes to set.
  • After about 30 minutes, remove from fridge. Gently tap each side of the egg with your finger. 
  • Gently pry the pieces apart.
  • Place your egg on parchment paper to dry over night. 
For some fun you can add glitter!! This is our favorite glitter. We use it in our "Smelly" DIY Playdough recipe. If you are a homeschooling mom, this would make a great science project!!

Wrap up a bunch and share the oily love!! They would make great gifts for teachers and friends. Mother's Day is coming soon... I bet your mom friends would love them!! Have a blessed Easter!!

How to Get Started with Essential Oils:


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