DIY Doggie Shampoo

Meet Louie... our sweet goldendoodle pup. We just love him to pieces. I will admit, he is a bit spoiled. But that's ok. I strive to only use healthy non-toxic products in our home... everything from cleaning products to personal care products. And Doggie Shampoo is no different. Like many "people" shampoos on the market, doggie shampoos are loaded with chemicals. Ingredients such as the simple word "fragrance" can be hiding harmful toxins. If you think the word fragrance is just a term used to mean, "smell good," think again.

Unfortunately, fragrance is an engineered scent that may contain any combination of 3,000- plus stock chemical ingredients including hormone disrupters and allergens. Fragrance formulas are protected under the federal law's classification of trade secrets and therefore can remain undisclosed. Crazy, right?! Check those ingredient labels... I bet "fragrance" is a listed ingredient. The Environmental Working Group Website is a fabulous place to check the safety of products. It's my go-to site. Check it out here.

If you are interested in learning more about creating a non-toxic environment in your home, join me for a 30-Day Healthy Home... Toxic-Free Living Class. You can request to join HERE. Knowledge is power!

Young Living offers a fabulous line of non-toxic products for our pets. The line is called Animal Scents. You can check them out here. Shampoo is part of the Animal Scents line however it's not always in stock. So as my back-up, I make my own. It's super easy, very supportive to your furbaby's skin and leaves your pup smelling amazing.

DIY Doggie Shampoo


  • 4 Tbsp Young Living Bath & Shower Gel Base (learn how to get Young Living products at wholesale pricing here)
  • 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (find here)
  • 1 Tbsp Aloe Vera Gel (find here)
  • 4 drops Gentle Baby essential oil 
  • 4 drops Lavender essential oil
❤❤ Learn why we only use 100% pure therapeutic essential oils HERE ❤❤


  • Add above ingredients to desired 8oz container. I actually used an empty Young Living Shampoo bottle. Just cleaned it out, took the label off and put a new label on. Top the container off with distilled water. Give it a shake before using. Be sure to get your pet nice and wet before adding the shampoo. Then just lather and rinse well. Your pet will smell like they have been to the groomers! Not to mention these 2 oils are very calming... naptime ;)

How to Get Started with Essential Oils:


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