Smells of the Season- Day 2 (Christmas Tree)

Do you have family traditions for the holidays... maybe from when you were growing up or ones you started with your own kids? As a kid we ALWAYS cut down our own Christmas tree. Whether the sun was shining or snow falling and it was freezing cold, we would make a trip to the same place every year. It was something my brother, sister and I looked forward to. You see, we had a mission... to see who could find the perfect Christmas tree. (Sibling competition... Can you relate?)

The best part was coming home and decorating the tree with those gigantic multicolored lights (I don't even know if they make them anymore) and homemade ornaments we had made over the years. It's funny, I remember every year we would go through the Christmas bin and pull out the homemade ornaments and say... "I remember making that or you made this." Then a story would proceed. Memories... I love reminiscing about my childhood. I was very fortunate. My parents were and still are wonderful :)

So when my husband and I had our first daughter, I of course wanted to cut down our own Christmas. I remember him looking at me like I had lost my mine. He never had a real Christmas tree as a kid. The first words out of his mouth were... "You want me cut down the Christmas tree? Can't we just go buy one that's already cut? Or better yet, can't we just buy a fake one? A fake one is less messy." Hmmm... can you tell my husband is a bit of a clean freak? All he could think about was the mess from the pine needles. Haha!! I told him absolutely not. We had to get a REAL Christmas tree! I had to have the smell of the real deal in my house. And more than that, it was a family tradition. He reluctantly agreed. (Smirk by me)

Oh how I wish I could find some pictures of him cutting down our Christmas tree. Absolutely hilarious! I am laughing out loud right now as I think about it. Unfortunately many of our photos are in storage. However I will share his first experience of having a REAL Christmas tree.

Our first home had vaulted ceilings. The house I grew up in did not. So I told my husband I wanted the tallest tree we could find. Again, he reluctantly said okay. (Another smirk by me) We drove to the same place I went to as a kid. My parents came with us to find there own tree as well. We walked and walked and walked some more. I HAD to find the tallest tree we were ALLOWED to cut. The trees that were not allowed to be cut were tagged with ribbons. After walking for a long time and listening to him say, "Just pick one." I found the "perfect" tree. So with the help of my dad, they cut it down. I was sooo excited! They managed to get the tree on the wagon to be pulled it back to the barn so we could pay. But as we pulled up, one of the workers said, "Where did you get that tree?" My husband said sarcastically, "Back there. (pointing) With all the other trees" By this point, he was over "cutting down our own Christmas tree." The lady then said, "That tree was not allowed to be cut." My husband gave me "the look." Do you what "look" I am talking about? I just smiled. He was completely embarrassed and annoyed. Fortunately, since it was already cut and we explained it did not have a ribbon tagged to it, we got to take it home.

That was the first and last time we had a real Christmas tree. I am currently trying to convince him we need to cut a real tree this year so our youngest daughter can experience the "fun" too. That is still to be determined.

I did find one of our daughter "pulling" the wagon. So I thought I would share...

I love the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree. It makes the house smell fresh, crisp and clean. So today's "Smell of the Season" is Christmas Tree. (Go HERE to find different non-toxic ways to fill your home with this scent.) I hope you enjoy it!

Christmas Tree

  • 3 drops Young Living Idaho Balsam Fir essential oil (Find HERE)
  • 2 drops Young Living Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil (Find HERE)
  • 2 drops Young Living Cinnamon Bark essential oil (Find HERE)
  • 1 drop Young Living Orange essential oil (Find HERE)

Find other "Smells of the Season" posts below:

How to Get Started with Essential Oils

Many Blessings,


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